Leather knotted rings By Boe

When I was a child I was always the worst person to be ‘it’ when playing tag.

I thought chasing after people was stupid, plus I just hated running.

Lately I feel like I’ve been playing tag with my typical, uneventful life.

Ever since I decided to seriously apply for grad school I haven’t been able to catch those relaxing moments I took for granted when I wasn’t so swamped with responsibilities.

Sometimes you just can’t win.


Adam Broomberg + Oliver Chanarin

Lukasz Wierzbowski

Color Collective is pretty much my new favourite.

Created as a colour resource guide for designers, the blog serves up some of the most stunning images, fashions and artists’ works alongside beautiful palettes.

Honestly I feel pretty silly that I hadn’t known about this site sooner.

[ Read: come up with the idea myself]


These ethereal, constellation-like structures are the creations of Arnold Goron.

Though very different from the models I created in my high school chemistry class, the installations are actually considered molecular structures and are displayed alongside Isabel Marant’s designs.

These structures, formed out of wood and Styrofoam balls, have small motors connected to them so that they actually rotate around the clothing displays.

To see them in action visit Goron’s website.


Danielle Kroll

J and I spent the past week up in the San Juan Islands.

It can be hard work, relaxing.

I felt like I had finally got the hang of it, even sleeping until what would normally be my first union break at work; of course by then we had to make our departure and return to reality.

Life can be so hard sometimes.


Check out Kroll’s designs for ‘The Wedding Story.’

Considerably more sassy than the sweet and whimsical print above.

Two weekends in a row J and I have been to the river.

Of course, I didn’t bring my camera to take pictures because J didn’t think it was safe to bring valuables into the canoe with us. He’s a smart man… so you can blame him for the lack of photographs.

This leaves the score: summer fun: 2 :: blog: 0


+ covet: Tree of Life litho print

+ make: sign up for DIY Dress Up (an e-sewing course) via A Beautiful Mess

+ blog: Design Darling


More like, “Hello!”

So sorry to keep you all waiting for so long.

Life has been a whirl but now I think I’ll be back on track with postings.

I have an extra special treat since you lovelies have waited too long for me to get my act together.

I love everything. The styling. The music. The syncopated movements.

Plus Orla Kiely makes some of the sweetest clothes ever.

Thanks for hanging in there my friends. Expect more beautiful things to come your way!


The River That Flows Both Ways

The River That Flows Both Ways, 2009

Moonlight (Venice, March 10, 2009)

Moonlight (Venice, March 10, 2009), 2009

Moon Dust (Apollo 17)

Moon Dust (Apollo 17), 2009

White (Niagara Falls obscured by mist, April 17th, 2006 5:30pm)

White (Niagara Falls Obscured By Mist, April 17, 2006 5:30 PM), 2006

 Brooklyn artist Spencer Finch utilizes light and colour in his installations to re-create moments of “light”. Most of his pieces specify a certain time and place in which he is attempting to re-create the light of that specific moment.

I recently used Finch’s work as an inspiration for my science class that I teach to 2 year olds. Even as young as they were, the students really began to experiment and think about how light and colour effect the way we visually interact with our environment.


+ covet: Affordable Art Prints

+ blog: Mint

+ make: DIY Sandals